Help Flatten The Curve While Keeping Your Business Afloat

We have all been experiencing the challenges and hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and if you’re a small owned business like us, you may have taken a harder hit.

So, what can you do to help flatten the curve all while keeping your business afloat?  Here are a few ideas and suggestions we’ve put together.

1. Refresh Your Branding/Packaging

Promote healthy eating by presenting nutritional information on food products. Include curbside, delivery or pick-up information on the labels. Double up and use your disposable menus as your to-go menus or go digital with an online menu your customers can view on their phones.

2. Signs

Post safety measures and proper social distancing on storefronts. Use signs to inform customers how you’re keeping employees and the community safe. Floor markers help people keep a safe 6 feet distance from one another.

3. Postcards and/or Newsletter Campaigns

Send words of inspiration and remind customers that you are open for business. Include promotional offers to encourage customers to purchase. This can be done with postcards or digitally with an email newsletter.

4. Outdoor Signage

Let people know that you are open for business with some outdoor signage.  Banners and flags can been seen from a great distance, which is great for those that drive by your business.

5. Boost Online Presence

Right now is the ideal time for a website update or makeover as more people are shopping/ordering online to limit person to person contact. If your current website does not offer these services online, you may be losing potential customers.

We want to see your business not only stay afloat during this pandemic but continue to succeed for many more years to come, so contact us today and let us know how we could be of service.