Does Your Website Need A Make-over?

The internet search engines are constantly changing, so it’s always a good idea to update your website every so often.  Here are a few key indicators that your company may need a website make-over:

◦ Your business has grown substantially in a relatively small time period
◦ Your company is going through a major rebranding
◦ Your analytics show that website visits have significantly decreased
◦ You want to begin selling your services/products in an online store
◦ Your current website is not mobile-friendly (mobile-responsive)
◦ Your website was built in generation Web 1.0

We recently worked on updating Solo Graphics’ website.

Updates included installing WordPress, a content management system, we created a responsive design for better experience on mobile devices, we updated the colors by using a warm whiskey inspired color scheme, and also incorporated a little bit of animation throughout the site to enhance the look and feel of the site.

Do you think your website is in need of a make-over? Contact us for more info.